The first test shows my hearing "au naturale." I only start to hear sounds around 70 decibels and need up t0 115 dbs for the higher pitch sounds. This is considered severe-to-profound deafness.
Now, the second test, done with my new thing-a-ma-jig, I am hearing sounds at whatever pitch at around 20 dbs. This is what is considered "normal" hearing range.
I know! Pretty awesome.
Now my brain is processing all the new sounds and taking an inventory. As the brain gets used to the new world, it will set up neurotransmitter highways for these sounds that will make it easier, over time, to recognize them. This is why right now it's not exactly hearing heaven yet.
Speech discrimination will slowly but surely get better and better.
I can't even tell you how excited I am for you, PJ! I imagine it's interesting/difficult to hear things you've never heard before and try to figure out what they are, but exciting at the same time. This is SO cool!